Monday, August 13, 2007

the dead zone;book review

the question the book brought to mind was that:can one have a close relationship with a psychic?

john smith was my best character.his part was well-researched and entirely well-done.he was hilarious and pathetic at the same time.his death,though a tragedy,was inevitable since the world`s greatest heros never leave to see their own victory. i loved the fact that king could bring his fans to the world of psychics and answer all their impending questions.

however,some parts of the book were boring(those that were politically inclined and a few others that i thought were unnecessary).but altogether,it was a good sure evoked emotions that i thought i had misplaced.


Friday, August 3, 2007

looking for fawaz

we all at one point in time have lost close relatives,husbands or a dear friends and while a lot of people still live in dead affairs others immediately move on with their own lives.
Fawaz was a good friend of mine back in grace children school. we practically did every thing together. his vast popularity in school was not far fetched. he was almost angelic and had the weirdest sense of humour even as a child.however, his life took a new toll in 1999, when he had an accident in his home, while trying to put on the generator. he was rushed to the hospital with a near smashed skull and several fractured body parts. we were informed in school the next morning,and one of his brothers(the youngest) had told me that my good friend wasn't going to survive the accident but he did. fawaz survived the accident but ended up in a coma for over 3 months. when he got out of the coma he had amnesia- he had no knowledge of who he was and what his life was all about. i can remember one morning, we were asked to sing the national anthem while a tape recorder was on.they had recorded our voices with the hope that it could sort of ginger his memory but we were never informed of the outcomes of our efforts.
At long last, after several surgeries though,fawaz was back.well,someone with the same identity was back but my good old buddy never returned. the first time i saw him after the accident was one of the most horrifying moments of my life.oh! how i wanted my old fawaz back but i knew better hence i moved on with my life.after all, to a child, a friend was just a friend(besides the fact i was completely erased from his memory).he is now in secondary school and i will keep praying for him.
if he gets to read this article, i am sure he will be glad to realize someone loves him dearly;warts and all.truly,i hope you all know that simple words like" i love you" can make a big difference in the life of a sick friend.
may i also add that we all should learn to cherish our near perfect lives;those of our spouses,mothers,children and blood relations.we are physically perfect.never try extreme measures to slim up,fat up, tone up,or whatever.please note that every human endeavour is vanity in the face of death.shall we spend the better parts of our days thanking the lord for preserving us-and please let`s remember the acronym:,MR NIGER D while we are at it.


Every man has a price; all wisdom challenges.
No man is of perfection- no man at all.
Our dreams are the devil’s paths…
We left footprints on those paths;
those paths that lead to our hearts.
Now, he throws pleasure at our feet.
What sort of beggar dares refuses to ride a horse?
I am yet to discover.

I am yet to discover a satisfied Nigerian with an unselfish ambition,
A cow with the colours of a zebra, a beautiful world rooted in peace,
A barren woman without bitterness- but peace is a child from a barren woman.
It lives in the mind and not in the real world.
I am yet to see the sun retire permanently.
I am yet to see day as night and night as day.

What about the new Nigeria?
I heard it is a land flowing with milk and honey.
We have been on this journey for forty-seven years and my limbs are tired.

Some of us are yet to discover our purpose- A flame within us that lights the way of life.
Some flames have however being quenched by the desires and storms of life while some have become burning fires touching the hearts of many.

Above all, I am yet to see a change?
Are we hopeless? I don’t think so.
We can do this because we are achievers.
All it takes to change Nigeria is faith, enthusiasm
And a positive mind-set.